BLOG★ Tiny Star

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hi, wow, first blog entry. you know, this whole website making thing is so hard but also fun. anyway i FINALLY figured out how to do this whole blog thing, with the tabs and all that, wow was that confusing. but it was all worth it cuz now i can make blog posts!! school has also recently started back up for me which just. sucks. but it's my last year so!!! that's something, i guess... you know, maybe it would be fun to blog about how my summer break went? i'll do that. i need things to blog about. this website coding is driving me crazy. okay.

so...gee i actually don't really remember much from the beginning!! ack!! well, i should start with my birthday (june 12), me and my family went to an arcade! so that was pretty fun. the cake that they bought for me was also pretty yummy, chocolate with strawberry frosting, probably my favorite cake flavor combo if i'm being honest. as a birthday present i got $100! i haven't wasted it all yet, i've been trying to be more money conscious, but that's actually pretty hard to do when you're tempted to buy something everytime you go to the store. you know, in new horizons (does anyone still play that? cuz i don't...) i remember i would spend all my bells buying clothes at able sisters. it was really bad. i still do that even now in new leaf, and basically any game where you can buy things to customize your house or your appearance.

okay so what else did i do this summer...oh, right after my birthday i started playing mystic messenger again. it's like, a yearly thing at this point. mystic messenger summer!! i went for yoosung's route (obviously) please look at him.

but anyway, i did that, you know mysmes really is great at sleep depriving you, like why are they making chatrooms at 6AM that's the worst time ToT but i got to kiss yoosung in the end so it was all WORTH IT! then after mysmes i started trying to make an rpg maker game, which went about as well as you'd expect. i mean, the sprite making went okay, i only made the sprites for the characters, but then i realized i made them too small? so i tried to export them in a slightly bigger size, but then that size turned out to be too big, but at least you can actually see them, i guess? but now they're just weirdly oversized. example

i guess they're just weirdly oversized forever, nothing i can really do about that. anyway i didn't get too far with actual gameplay, it was fun customizing the textboxes and menus and stuff but once i was done with that i realized i didn't really have any story ideas. i mean, i did initially have one but then i realized it was stupid so i scrapped it, so i guess i'm still thinking stuff up because i really do want to make an rpg maker game, it's just gonna take a while, i guess.

alright, now after that i don't really know what i did. stuff, i guess? OH RIGHT. I STARTED PLAYING EXPLORERS OF SKY! how could i ever forget? it was reallyyy fun, i've always loved the pokemon mystery dungeon series, and i had heard good things about explorers of sky so i tried it out and it was really good! hehe, i really love all the characters in it, they're so fun, and the story is fun. RIDDLE AND PLUTO FOREVER! (pluto is my partner he is a shinx and i am an eevee) anyway. i have to admit. i haven't finished it yet. that battle with dusknoir is hard as shit and my team sucks. so i'm still working on that. hopefully i beat it soon!! i also ended up playing and completing lb! really good rpg maker game! i've been wanting to get more into those lately.

oh yeah, then after that i grew obsessed with stardew valley again, i got pretty far this time, i finished the community center! finally lol. then i stopped playing stardew valley.... but i'll get back to it sometime soon. i say that about a lot of things i'm realizing.

after stardew valley i started to play my guilty pleasure game that is OLBA. i am leaving it abbreviated because i am shy about it but if you know what i'm talking about i love you and can we be friends? i actually got to the end of step 3 this time! and then i stopped. because i always stop. i haven't fully finished this game since i first played it back in like 2021-2022 which is crazy. but honestly i'm like that with almost every piece of media i consume, so... i have replayed this game like 5 times now maybe? it has so much replay value wow, at least i think it does... but tbh my memory does tend to forget most things by the time i do replay LOL except major things, sadly. there's always something different about my playthroughs, it's never exactly the same, and it's cool seeing how my decisions have changed as i've grown, like, in real life lol. i always pick slightly different things than i would've a year ago...there really is just so much content! like it never gets boring even if all my decisions are similar... it's always really fun even if ur boring and make the same/similar choices every playthru..really one of my favorite visual novels i must admit. would recommend if you're into that sorta thing!

okay we are nearing the end of summer. i started to watch bojack horseman! it's that one show i have heard so much about but never watched myself, so i finally did, and wow was it good. did not disappoint. it hit really hard, not in the sense that i related to it, but like, you know? i felt bad for bojack. i mean okay yeah, he is probably one of the biggest pieces of shits out there, but i felt bad for him in the sense that things didn't have to end up the way they did. like, it wasn't his fault he grew up with shitty parents. if his life had just gone differently he could've been a decent, happy guy. but, well, if you've watched it you know how it goes... besides, it's also his fault things ended up the way they did, his downfall was all him, every action, that was him. he tried to change too late. things could have gone so different if he acknowledged his flaws and issues earlier... but enough about that.

i also replayed undertale! the last time i played it was probably around 2017ish? 2018? it was really fun and nice i really love all the characters in it, they all have such fun, well-defined personalites and i love their interactions. i went pacifist by the way if it wasn't obvious. and that was my summer! the major things i remember from it, anyway. current riddle activities? as of now i am rewatching gravity falls, i'm on season 2 right now! and i am obviously working on this neocities lol. it is currently sunday and i have school tomorrow and i still think it's crazy that this is my final year of like. high school. and my final year of school in general. these past few years have really felt like a blur in the grand scheme of things. it makes me a bit sad. i am very scared of my future, but hey! i should live in the now. the future is future riddle's problem. yes. that is where i will leave it at. sorry this first blog entry was so long, i love typing, i love blogging. i love websites.

hiii! second post. i actually don't have much to say today.. i just got back from school which is always just sucky. i'm eating pizza right now with a pinapple soda!!! yummm! you know, in gym we're supposed to have these lockers where we put our stuff, right? and you need to buy a lock and get assigned one and stuff and i literally have done neither of those things. i forgot my lock money. and i don't have a locker. and if you leave your backpack out this year you'll get in trouble for it which i just think is fucking stupid. so i'm just lockerless. i wanna ask tomorrow if i can still get a lock + locker but who knows about that. you know i always really hated gym class. what happened to the fun days of elementary school gym...

back to the locker thing, i thought i remembered having a lock already, like an old lock from my freshman year but idfk where it could be. i checked my old backpack from that year and it's completely empty so i really have no ideas. i wanna try looking for it maybe? but i think my efforts will be in vain. but i'll try. and that's it. that's the blog post. i'm gonna go watch gravity falls now.


9:00PM - this just in, new mysmes image dropped



don't you hate when your brain just jumps to conclusions by itself so now you're just anxious and gloomy for no particular reason T~T..... i always forget that nothing is really confirmed and it's just my brain making me feel bad because it hates me i guess but yanno, that's how it goes. i guess what i mean to say is i just overthink a lot and it's a part of my character, but i feel like i overthink way more than i used to? actually that can probably be explained by the fact that i'm not like a little kid anymore. speaking of which today i randomly remembered a memory i had almost forgotten about entirely...when i was in 3rd grade i remember we had this cinco de mayo dance, and i remember i apparently got in to dance in it for some reason???? little me had some courage LOL. and i remember practicing the dance after school and then the day of the dance came and i think i did good. i wouldn't remember though because like i said i almost entirely forgot about that until now, i hope i did good though.

i also was feeling nostalgic for when i used to dig and look for worms in elementary school. i don't really remember why i started doing that, i mean i remember having like, no friends in elementary school (well, i did have friends but things happen....) so i guess i did it cuz i was lonely? or something? and it's also kinda surprising cuz when i was younger i was really easily grossed out by like bugs and such and i KNOW worms aren't bugs. just know little me was grossed out a lot, so it's weird i willingly would dig for worms. it was really fun though, i would always look under the playground swings because that's where the most dirt was - at least when it came to a park filled only with woodchips. i was thinking...maybe when i graduate i will look for worms again, like the good old days! it would be nice, i miss worms.

i keep debating when to actually put this onto neocities i keep getting shy about it, i am shy when it comes to sharing things about myself and stuff... and also i like i keep thinking i have to have the whole dang thing completely finished which is just not true. i mean, since i have the basics i guess i could totally do it now? i should...i should do it feels weird knowing someone might be reading this blog 0_0 do people even read through blogs? eh, no matter, i'll blog no matter what!

update! so i did do that! anyway i'm probably gonna take a break from the website for a few days cuz i've spent the last 3 days straight coding and i need a break.

it's riddle hey. it's been a while LOL. i've just been busy... school reallyyy takes a lot of energy outta you.. ToT my past few weeks have been pretty meh tbh, like i already said it's just been school. really doesn't leave me much time to update the website though because i feel constantly tired and just want to lay around and play video games all day. today i woke up with a headache which SUCKED. nothing worse than waking up with a headache but it's gone now i think? i'm eating some arroz rojo that my mom just made and it's quite yummy, and my headache is gone, so that's good i think. yes. i had my dentist appointment on friday and it went pretty well actually, it didn't hurt that much which is very surprising because it usually hurts but i am glad!

i must admit these past few days i have been especially health anxious and it's driving me crazy! health anxiety is the worst... i keep getting worried i am going to get sick...because i'm looking forward to something this tuesday... i'm going to the zoo on tuesday! it's a field trip for my zoology class which is really awesome, the last field trip i ever went on was like, in 7th grade, so it's been a WHILE. but we're going to the zoo! yeah! i must admit i'm kinda nervous because the last time i went to the zoo it did not go well. like. at all. in late 2022 i went to the zoo with my parents and i got heat exhaustion which just sucked, i had the WORST headache, so much nausea, i felt so tired and weak i quite literally felt like i was going to die in my sleep. but i didn't! i woke up better (except for a small fever that went away like the day after) but still. it was so scary, so it's kinda scared me away from the zoo and being outside in the hot summer sun in general, but hey! it's been 2 years and there is no way i am saying no to a field trip to the zoo! besides i'm plannning on going much better prepared this time around!

man that's all that's really happened that's even been somewhat eventful...don't have much else to write about Xo/ i guess i'll write a bit about my plans for the next current goal is working on the shrines, more specifically the page for my ocs which i might move somewhere else that isn't the shrines page, or maybe i'll just keep it there, i mean it fits! oc page might take a long while though LOL. i feel it may be a bit ambitious...but i can do it i think. then i want to upload the rest of my art for my art page which is probably the easiest of the tasks i want to do but it's just really tedious looking for all my old art, which is why i've been slacking. (also my old art before 2023 sucks a lot and i am scared to face it again.........) then when it comes to this blog i wanna update how it looks, i want it to look closer to how i first envisioned it, which also might take a while and be very annoying to do but hey, that is website coding for you! and that's mostly it i think. sorry this entry was kinda boring after so long without one >_>